Why should Valentine’s Day only last for one day in February?
“Valentine, St., a saint of the Roman calendar, said to have been martyred in 306 A.D. The custom of choosing valentines on his day (14th Feb.) has been accidentally associated with his name. On the eve of St. Valentine’s day, young people of both sexes used to meet, and each of them drew one by lot from a number of names of the opposite sex, which were put into a common receptacle. Each gentleman thus got a lady for his valentine, and became the valentine of the lady. The gentlemen remained bound to the service of their valentines for a year. A similar custom prevailed in the Roman Lupercalia, to which the modern custom has, with probability, been traced. The day is now celebrated by sending anonymously through the post sentimental or ludicrous missives specifically prepared for the purpose. But this practice is also on the decline.”