I write raw. My dialogue is real and conversational. No topic is off-limits. My stories are authentic and alive.
Posted Nov 18 2019 by TheButler in Interviews with 0 Comments
The Indie Book Butler Interview – Jim Steele
Tell us a little about yourself and your work.
I’ve written for probably 30 plus years, but only in the last 4-5 kind of graduated into starting to learn how to craft a novel. On that topic, I’d say that I started trying to figure out how to write more than 4-5,000 words about 20 years ago. Little by little, I finally completed Ride My Highway in 2017. Ride is a rough and tumble story of a guy who is just out of control. Meanwhile, he’s driving an 18-wheeler cross country. But it also tells a lot of stories along the way: how he got to be the way he was, where he’s going, relationships ruined, lessons learned. For me, just to complete that first book was a pretty big accomplishment.
Then I got Just Across The Way in 2018. I’m finishing up Out Past Round Barns now, which is a prequel/sequel to Just Across The Way, both are just very messed up psychological Thrillers/Horror. The thing about those books is that they’re told in the first person, so they read like the journal of mad-man or something, which I think is pretty compelling. I use real places, hotels, towns, you name it. You could go to these places, and the story is right there in front of you. The first person is pretty much my favourite voice to write.
More than anything, I’m just wanting to complete the works I’ve already started, and then continue on with this business of writing books. I also enjoy short stories on occasion, and maybe even a bit of poetry if the mood hits me right. But, day to day, I’m pretty much focused on putting out books.
You’ve got 20 words to sell us on your work. Tempt us.
I write raw. My dialogue is real and conversational. No topic is off-limits. My stories are authentic and alive.

Were there any particular parts of the writing/publishing process that you struggled with?
Not selling very many books! Haha. But then again, I remind myself that I was never in it for the sales, even though that might be nice at some point. I have a day job that I enjoy, my family, kids, granddaughter, and our dogs. But at times, and this probably has a lot to do with being an Indie Author, there is nobody pushing me to do anything! If I start a work and then don’t finish it? Nobody cares. So for me, sometimes the grind of it all, putting the words down, and completing a book… when nobody is ASKING for it, that’s a tough thing to make yourself do sometimes. But, what can I say, I love it? So, I write.
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