Viewed in that way, that picture- much like our lives- is now worth more than a million words, and an absolute meaning will never be achieved. Still, as a writer I try to put into words what others may hear, see, or feel. I attempt to convey emotions: Love, Hate, Bravery, Fear- Birth, Life, Death, and Dying.
It all goes together. We are all made up of millions of bits and pieces, put into words.
Listen as I tell our Story.
I do not sugar coat anything. I write as raw and as unpolished as my life and those around me
have been. As the reader, you need to be prepared for what you’re getting ready to wade into.
You won’t come back out the same.
I want to make you apprehensive, waiting for what comes around the corner. My goal is for you
to see what I see- it’s a wanderlust at every sunrise, and a sense of defeat at every sunset; a
feeling that no matter what you do, it will never be enough. To be content is akin is akin to
being comfortable, and comfort is not an option I’ve had. Instead, I would rather you have a
feeling of trepidation than some predisposed notion of safety.
Stephen King said that he recognizes “Terror as the finest emotion”. I agree and I’ll play that
card all day long. Laughter subsides, Love can fade, but Terror- Terror and Fear remains until
the bitter end and it’s all around us. It’s a constant in our lives, and is there whether the story is
one of romance, horror, or adventure. A terror of the unknown is why we cry at birth. Likewise,
that same unknown, the terror of not knowing where we might be traveling to, or possibly the
fear of where we think we may be headed- is what makes us hide from it all at the hour of our
In the middle of it all- we LIVE!